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BV Decor Interior / Ceiling roses

Polyurethane ceiling rosettes - decorative elements that adorn the ceiling of any room. Polyurethane roof ribs can be round, oval, square, rectangular. Polyurethane ceiling rosettes are installed in the center of the ceiling and serve as an ornament around the lamp. Ceiling rosettes can be smooth and with the ornament. Rosettes of the polyurethane ceiling with the ornament combine very well with polyurethane cornices with the ornament and with polyurethane moldings with the ornament. Polyurethane ceiling rosettes are easily painted with any paint, which can be purchased at any warehouse of building materials. Rosettes of polyurethane ceiling with the ornament will bring elegance and originality to your home. Plain polyurethane ceiling rosettes combine very well with smooth polyurethane cornices and smooth polyurethane moldings. Plain polyurethane ceiling rosettes are easily painted with any paint, which can be purchased at any warehouse of building materials. Plain polyurethane ceiling rosettes will bring elegance and originality to your home or apartment. Polyurethane polyurethane ceiling rosettes are not afraid of moisture, are not covered with cracks and are easily changed by a new one in the case of necessity. In contrast to plaster decoration elements, polyurethane ceiling rosettes are lightweight and easy to install.

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